Every customer will be asked to declare that they are symptom free and have not been in contact with anyone who has the virus.

I will prepare the car and wipe down the steering wheel and other controls with alcohol wipes before every lesson.


A mask or face covering will be needed. if you do not have one i have reusable and washable masks for £6.50 i also have disposable masks.

100% cotton, Double Layer, Washable Face Mask, Reusable Face Mask.

mb driving school


Before the lesson.

Please wash your hands before coming out to the car.

A No Touch Infrared Forehead Thermometer will be used to check the body's temperature. This requires only a short amount of time without the risk of cross-infection. If the temperature is raised the lesson may be postponed.

You will need to wear a mask and it will need to be put on before entering the car. Unless you have a good reason not to.

If you require gloves or a mask i will pass them to you before you get in to the car. if you do not want gloves hand sanitiser will need to be applied.

I will supply gloves or hand sanitiser. If you are allergic to latex gloves or sanitiser please let me know before the lesson.

There will be no hand shakes.

I will be keeping the windows partly open at all times.

Please wear appropriate clothing and do not to wear open-toed shoes.

Payments can be paid via bank transfer or PayPal. PayPal options are on the price page.

If you have to use cash please have the correct amount. 

If you are paying via PayPal or bank transfer please pay before your lesson.



I have been trained in how to reduce viral contamination and best practice for operating a safe driving lesson.